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Italy ➜ Emilia Romagna

Sea, hills, thermal baths, motors, gastronomy, sport, entertainment: the choice is yours as to which theme you want to favour. 

Two regions in one, Emilia on one side, Romagna on the other, in a unique mix of culture, gastronomy, spas and sport. Emilia is tortellini and cured meats, Bologna and its songwriters, Lambrusco and Giuseppe Verdi, Ferrari and Maserati. Romagna is the mosaics of Ravenna and the kilometre-long beaches of Rimini and Riccione, Sangiovese wine and ceramics from Faenza, piadina and dancing at village festivals. In any case, the entire region has one thing in common: an innate sense of hospitality combined with the sunny disposition of its inhabitants. As far as golf is concerned, there is no shortage of choice. A tour of the 14 courses with at least 18 holes can be just the thing to get to know this country in all its facets.

A stopover in Bologna, known as "Dotta" and "Grassa", will win hearts with its rich history and culinary delights. Modena, famous for its luxury cars with the Enzo Ferrari Museum and its balsamic vinegar, is another must. In Emilia Romagna, more than ever: "eat, play, love"!

Basilica di San Luca - Bologna
Basilica di San Petronio - Bologna
Piazza Grande - Bologna
Piazza Grande - Bologna
Arco di Augusto - Rimini
Ponte di Tiberio - Rimini
Carpi - Modena
Castello di Torrechiara - Parma
Affresco della cupola del battistero di Parma
Museo Ferrari
Mortadella di Bologna
Parmigiano reggiano
Prosciutto crudo di Parma
Tortellini bolognesi

Map of Golf Clubs in the region

  1. Adriatic Golf Club Cervia
    Ravenna (Holes 27)
  2. Argenta Golf
    (Holes 18)
  3. Croara Country Club
    (Holes 18)
  4. Cus Ferrara Golf
    (Holes 18)
  5. Golf Club Bologna
    Bologna (Holes 18)
  6. Golf Club Matilde di Canossa
    Reggio Emilia (Holes 18)
  7. Golf Club Molino del Pero
    Bologna (Holes 18)
  8. Golf del Ducato La Rocca
    (Holes 18)
  9. Golf Salsomaggiore Terme
    Parma (Holes 18)
  10. Le Fonti Golf Club
    Bologna (Holes 18)
  11. Modena Golf & Country Club
    Modena (Holes 18)
  12. Rimini - Verucchio Golf Club
    Rimini (Holes 18)
  13. Riviera Golf Resort
    Rimini (Holes 18)
  14. San Valentino Golf Club
    Reggio Emilia (Holes 18)


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