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Golf Clubs ➜ Varvarusa Golf Club Holes 9

Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club
Varvarusa Golf Club

The Varvarusa Golf Club owes its name to the place where the course is located (Varvarusa, which in turn means “valley of roses”, due to the numerous wild roses that can be found in the area) in the Valle district of the municipality of Filignano.

The club was founded in 1998 on the initiative of some citizens of Filignano, emigrants who returned from Scotland, Germany and Canada and, as golf lovers, decided to cultivate their passion for this sport in their home town too, transforming a small rectangle of land into a small golf course with little means and a lot of dedication.

Over time, and with the help of other people who had come to know, practice and love the game of golf, the course was gradually developed into its current form, namely a 9-hole course that is anything but simple.

Golf course: 9 holes

Architect: -

Topography: Flat

Difficulty level: Easy

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Travel participants
Indicate the number of people who will participate in this trip and then fill in the table below
Adults / Children * Age * Golfer * HCP


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